Birds and Bees

Birds and Bees

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A three-week series helping middle school students honor God with their sexuality.


Birds and Bees is a three-week, middle school series on godly sexuality. We want students to know God's design for sexuality and how to live into that design. So many biblical teachings on sex end with a list of don'ts. Rather than landing on a list of don'ts, we want our students honoring God with their sexuality even in middle school!

Scripture Passages: Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 2:21-23, Genesis 1:28-31, Genesis 2:22-25, Genesis 3:4-7

Week 1: Designed to Perfection
This week affirms that humans are God's most excellent design. We then look at three parts of God's most excellent design:
1. Gender: God created two genders: male and female.
2. Imaging: God created humans as images of Himself.
3. Sex: God created sex for one man and one woman in marriage only.

Week 2: Good Gone Bad
This week looks at the parts of God's most excellent design and how each part has been corrupted by sin:
1. God's design of imaging is corrupted in humanity's sinful desire to be god. 2. God's good design of sex is corrupted by a world that makes it selfish.

Week 3: Back to Good
This week pursues practical ways to honor God in their sexuality as middle school students. Our goal is to love God and love people. In our pursuit of loving God and loving others, we honor God with our sexuality along the way.

Birds and Bees is careful to respect the varying levels of knowledge about sexuality among middle school students. This series teaches a biblical view of sex but also addresses God's wider design for sexuality. Finally, this series is not content to simply teach, it challenges middle school students to begin living into godly sexuality right now.

This Resource Includes:
• Complete message manuscripts for each session, including small group discussion questions and follow-up questions for parents (Word files)
• Student handouts for each session (Word files)
• Small group guides for each session (Word files)
• PowerPoint presentations for each session
• Theme artwork (jpeg files)


Bill Ver Velde