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God is Better. Better than anything this world has to offer. Explore the story of salvation, sanctification, and the Lordship of Jesus in this three-week series.


God is Better. Better than anything this world has to offer. Explore the story of salvation, sanctification, and the cosmic implications of the Lordship of Jesus. This three-week series focuses on the truth of Scripture that God is better, God is making us better, and God is making the whole world better. All of this is due to the work of Jesus Christ.

Week 1: God is Better
Week 2: God is Making Us Better
Week 3: God is Making All Things Better

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This Resource Includes:

  • Complete message manuscript for each week (Word files)
  • Small group guide for each week (Word files)
  • Seven games 
  • Presentation graphics (jpeg files)
  • Social media graphics (jpeg files) 
  • T-shirt graphics (jpeg files) 


Note from Author

About this Product
• Use this for a three-week series or turn it into a DNOW or retreat. • Included are tie-in games that support the theme and help students dig deep.
Kena NewKirk

Kena NewKirk

Kena has her M.Div from Emory, 12 years youth ministry experience, and is a provisional Elder in the Methodist Church.