Beat The Clock: Football Edition

Beat The Clock: Football Edition

GOLD members pay $5.20

An intense football-themed screen game where you use the crowd to figure out what’s on the screen!


Beat the Clock: Football Edition is the game where you use the crowd to figure out what's on the screen!

How to Play: A contestant will be called to the front and face the crowd with their back to the screen. Fire the video (or optionally, a static slide) and a football-related item will appear on the screen. Upon hearing “GO,” the contestant has 60 seconds to figure out the item by asking the crowd questions that can be answered with a “yes” or “no,” to which the crowd collectively responds with a “yes” or “no” based on the question (think of the classic game ""20 Questions"").

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file (jpeg slides)
  • Complete PowerPoint game file (video slides)
  • Individual (10 rounds + instructions) video files (mp4 files)
  • Individual optional (10 rounds) static game slides (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)


Note from Author

About this Product
Use a google-eyed blindfold for even more laughs.
Derry Prenkert

Derry Prenkert

Derry is a 25+ year youth ministry veteran providing coaching, consulting, care, and content to starting, stuck, and struggling ministry leaders (primarily youth pastors).
Todd Pearage

Todd Pearage

Todd and his wife Lynda have created a ministry for youth pastors and spouses called The Youth Leader Oasis.