Be Still: A Worship Experience

Be Still: A Worship Experience

GOLD members pay $5.52
An hour-long, hands-on worship experience consisting of nine interactive stations.


Editor's note: This resource isn't overly complicated, but it provides everything you'd need to create a meaningful worship experience for students. It's well-organized and well-written. Highly recommended.

Doug's note: Excellent. So much value!

Be Still is an hour-long, hands-on worship experience consisting of nine interactive stations. It's a chance to provide students with some meaningful time to focus on WHO GOD IS and WHO HE SAYS WE ARE.

There are nine stations included in this package. Each station includes an instruction sheet and a short Scripture reading. There is also a "How To" guide with supply lists and instructions for setting up the worship experience from start to finish. Each station is hands-on and experiential. The stations are labeled as follows:

-Be Still and Ask for Prayer
-Be Still and Confess
-Be Still and Know He is God
-Be Still and Know Who You Are
-Be Still and Let Go of Worry
-Be Still and Pray for a Loved One
-Be Still and Remember His Blessings
-Be Still and Remember His Love
-Be Still and Think of His Promises

This Resource Includes:
• "How To" guide and supply list
• 9 station instruction sheets
• 3 handouts for specific stations
• Social media graphic
• Sample video


Brittany McConahay