Be Brave

Be Brave

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This two-week series challenges students to look at what it means to put their faith over your fears to live bravely for Jesus.


Bravery is not just for superheroes. It takes bravery to live a life sold out for Jesus. This two-week series examines two types of bravery:

Week 1 - Brave in the Unknown (Deborah and Jael)
Week 2 - Bravely Doing the Right Thing (John the Baptist)

This Resource Includes:
• General ideas for the series (Word file)
• Complete message manuscript for each week (Word files)
• Small group guide for each week (Word files)
• Title and multiple content graphics (jpeg files)
• Upfront/stage game (Sidekick 'Wheel of Destiny' game file) including gameplay instructions (Word file)


Allison Williams