Barnyard Chorus

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In this Sidekick 'Photo Fury' game, students pick one animal and make its noise. If the randomizer lands on the animal a student is imitating, they are out of the game.


Turn your youth room into a farm or a petting zoo without the smell in this game! Using Photo Fury through Sidekick, there will be six farm animals to choose from. Students pick one animal and make its noise. If the randomizer lands on the animal a student is imitating, then they are out of the game. Alternatively, if you need to cut the group down quickly, do the reverse for one round. For example, if you match the animal, then you stay in.

This Resource Includes:
• Sidekick 'Photo Fury' game file
• 6 animal slides (jpeg files)
• Background slide with animal options (jpeg file)
• Title slide (jpeg file)

Photofury Intro from Download Youth Ministry on Vimeo.

Derry Prenkert

Derry Prenkert

Derry is a 25+ year youth ministry veteran providing coaching, consulting, care, and content to starting, stuck, and struggling ministry leaders (primarily youth pastors).