Back to School Blues (Punishment Edition)

Back to School Blues (Punishment Edition)

GOLD members pay $3.57
A fun and crazy screen-driven game that includes school trivia and silly punishments.


Going back to school can be boring and not cool...spice it up with this game by using punishments as incentives.

While starting back to school may not be the most exciting thing on most student’s minds, there are (as we all know) great benefits to regular schooling. Even though we do not want to admit or embrace it, education has come a long way over the last 100 years.

In this game, students will compete in a multiple-choice trivia game that will test their knowledge of the education system in America. Sounds boring? Well, let’s kick it up a notch. Instead of prizes for the winners, give punishments for those that do not answer correctly! You can get creative with the punishments, use the ones provided, make up punishments of your own, or reuse just a couple of the punishments. Either way, it will be fun!


    • Complete PowerPoint Game File
    • Individual game slides – 10 Q&A (jpeg files)
    • Game instructions (Word file)
    • Title slide (jpeg file)

Richard Fleck

Richard Fleck

Richard (Bobby) has been in ministry for 20+ years as a youth pastor, family pastor, and associate pastor. Richard, Tiffini, and their triplet eleven-year-old daughters live in Ringgold, GA. Richard is an Ordained Pastor. He holds a M.Div. and a B.A.