Awesome or Overrated: Easter Edition

Awesome or Overrated: Easter Edition

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Is the Easter tradition awesome or overrated?


A ""This or That""-style game where the screen will display a simple Easter tradition, and students get to decide if it is ""Awesome"" or ""Overrated""! Some will be easy to decide, and one side of the room will fill up, while others, well, there may be some holiday controversy in the youth room. Peeps? Surprisingly polarizing? Bunny ears? Many find them distasteful. But chocolate bunnies? As long as they're solid and not hollow shells that leave me in a hollow shell of indifference.

Awesome or Overrated is a fun people-moving game for the season of the resurrection.

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (10 rounds + instructions) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)


Note from Author

About this Product
Naturally, have some Peeps to give away as prizes!
Austin Griffin

Austin Griffin

Austin Griffin is currently a student at Bible college and takes way too much pride in being the best Air Hockey player in his '07 youth group.