AnswerSmash - Volume 1

AnswerSmash - Volume 1

GOLD members pay $3.90

Do your students have what it takes to find two correct answers and SMASH them together? In this screen game, students will need to answer two questions and smash the answers together!


This upfront screen game (video-driven or static slides)  will have your whole group racing to smash two answers together to make one correct answer! For each round, contestants will be shown an image and a question or statement, and the first to figure out the two answers and smash them together wins the point! 

For example, an image of Tina Fey and the question ""Which South American football team won the men's FIFA World Cup in 2022, beating France on penalties? The two correct answers are Tina Fey and Argentina so the correct smashed answer is Argentina Fey!!

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint (static slides) game file
  • Individual (11 Q&A + instructions + example Q&A) videos (mp4 files)
  • Individual (11 Q&A + instructions + example Q&A) slides (jpeg files)
  • Title video (mp4 file)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)
Common Ground

Common Ground