60 Seconds of Fame

60 Seconds of Fame

GOLD members pay $3.90
Students will have 60 seconds to share a fun story from a given prompt that is sure to get your group laughing.


Everyone may not deserve 15 minutes of fame, but surely we all deserve 60 seconds. 

60 Seconds Of Fame is a unique game where you never know who will be famous or for what reason. The game starts by giving a prompt, such as, ""Tell about a moment when you tried to be cool but failed."" Then, pick a few willing volunteers to come up and tell their true story in 60 seconds. Play it as a ""get to know you"" mixer or turn it into a contest where the best story wins.

This is the perfect game to get your students talking, as well as uncover some hilarious stories you might not have heard. Better yet, get your leaders involved and prove to your students that there might be more to their leaders than they thought.

This Resource Includes:

  • Title video (mp4 file)
  • Individual (8 revealing story prompts) game slides (jpeg files)
  • 60-second timer (mp4 file)


Note from Author

About this Product
Obviously, giving your students the stage and a mic can be a bit risky. So, make sure you select students you feel confident won't tell a story that can't be "untold." You wouldn't want this game to turn into your own 60 seconds of fame.
jonathan Owen

jonathan Owen

Children & Middle School Pastor from Birmingham, AL. 1 wife. 5 kids. 0 Oscars. Give it time.