4th of July Trivia Countdown

4th of July Trivia Countdown

GOLD members pay $3.57
A 4th of July five-minute trivia countdown video. Use this before service or as your game.


The five minutes before your service are critical to preparing your students for your time together. Instead of yelling to them to come and sit down, play this great 4th of July Trivia countdown video. You can also use it as a video-driven game for the day.

This Resource Includes:

  • 5-minute countdown video (mp4 file)


Note from Author

About this Product
If you use this as a game, have your students face left for A, right for B, or straight ahead for C. If they get it wrong, they sit down. Each question is on the screen for about 10-15 seconds. They have to decide quickly.
Erik w/a “k” Williams

Erik w/a “k” Williams

In youth ministry since 1993! Married since 1994. 4 great kids! Love helping other youth pastors and is a certified youth ministry coach.