186 Great Youth Group Games

186 Great Youth Group Games

GOLD members pay $6.82
Fill a small backpack with supplies and you


I believe in games. The Greek philosopher Plato once said, "You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of discussion." Laughter and recreation break down walls and open opportunities to build relationships and share biblical truths. The purpose of this resource is to help you build relationships with students that will result in an open door for you to speak truth into their lives. The book is organized according to four stages of group building. The portability of the book and bag makes it easy to use in youth meetings, small groups, mission trips, summer camps, or keep in the church van for road trips. 186 games are ready to go with all of the necessary supplies at your fingertips.

There are 49 games included that do not require any props at all! And here is a recommended list of what needs to go inside your "Games In a Bag!" backpack to make all 186 completely memorable:

  • 100 - 3x5 index cards
  • ball pump and needle
  • 36 balloons
  • 12 bandanas
  • 2 dice
  • 5 discs
  • 6 Finger BlastersÃ
  • Author Profile Picture

    Chris Dortch