1 to 100

1 to 100

Price reduced from $5.00 to $2.50
GOLD members pay $3.25
A student is presented with a divisive subject and they secretly write their opinion on it from 1 to 100. Then, the audience has to guess their number. The closest guess wins. It's sure to get your kids arguing and laughing.


Everyone likes to share their opinion. Now, we've made it into a game that is sure to get your group laughing, arguing, and then hugging it out.

Select a contestant to come up to the front. They will be shown a subject that can oftentimes be divisive. They then have to write down their opinion based on a scale of 1 to 100. A 1 means they absolutely hate it. A 100 means it's their favorite thing in the world.

Once they've locked in their number, it's the audience's turn to see if they can guess their number. The closest guess wins!

This is a great game for audience participation, just be prepared for some serious arguments. 

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (12 rounds + instructions) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Timer video (mp4 file)
  • Title slide and video (jpeg & mp4 file)


Note from Author

About this Product
We have used a Magna-Doodle or Boogie Board drawing board for the contestant to write the number on, but you can use any writing utensil.
jonathan Owen

jonathan Owen

Children & Middle School Pastor from Birmingham, AL. 1 wife. 5 kids. 0 Oscars. Give it time.