...and a Bless-ed New Year

...and a Bless-ed New Year

GOLD members pay $8.12
Everything you need for a three-week message and small group series from the Beatitudes that encourages students to have a Bless-ed New Year.


Doug's note: Super strong series!

...and a Bless-ed New Year is a three-week message and small group series that encourages students to view their New Year through the lens of Jesus'​ teachings in the Beatitudes.

Content includes:
Week 1- Attitude: Matthew 5:1-5
Week 2- Action: Matthew 5:6-12
Week 3- Application: Matthew 5:13-16

This Resource Includes:
• Complete message (~ 2400 words) manuscripts for each week (Word files)
• Small group guides for each week (Word files)
• Sermon structure guide (pdf file)
• Graphics package including social media recaps and images (jpeg files)
• A unicorn


Andrew Larsen


Timothy Miller