"When It Hurts" - A 4-Week Small Group Series in Lamentations

"When It Hurts" - A 4-Week Small Group Series in Lamentations

GOLD members pay $6.82
A 4-week small group series on the book of Lamentations, offering biblical wisdom for dealing with life's deepest hurts.


Editor's note: This is a solid small group study. It has interesting illustrations and helpful activities that make each of the lessons deep. I'd rate this resource "Awesome!"

Life is hard, and sin hurts. Sin, despite all of its allurement and excitement, carries with it the heavy weights of sorrow, grief, misery, barrenness, and pain—and there is no place where pain and heartache are more visible than in student ministry. In the Old Testament, tucked away among the Minor Prophets, is an ancient story with a modern-day message about what to do when life hurts—called Lamentations.

This resource has four complete small group lessons with optional assignments for further study. Students who contemplating suicide, depression, cutting, or anything else related to pain—either temporal or long-standing—will find this resource helpful. For small groups, or for a leadership team, or even for a retreat, this is one resource that tackles the issue of pain from the Word of God with solid biblical answers and practical help.

This Resource Includes:
• 4 Small Group Lessons
• 6 optional assignments for further study
• One promotional picture for email, promotion, or PowerPoint
• One PowerPoint slide for content and teaching


Jonathan Meyer