Interactive Experience Bundle

Interactive Experience Bundle

GOLD members pay $7.64
24 unique interactive stations from 3 unique bundles. Great for Summer Camps and retreats.


This bundle includes three station-to-station experiences that are all designed to encourage students to get creative in their devotional time with God. Each of the eight-station experiences are similarly formatted allowing for you to pick, choose and combine any of the 24 stations you receive with all three of these resources.

PRO TIP: use these at our summer camp, retreats, midweek programs, student leadership training and volunteer meetings.
Edit the files to make additions or adjustments that fit your context

This Resource Includes:
A Journey With God, Date with God, and An Encounter with God resources, each containing:
• Editable Word files
• pdf files of graphics for some stations
• How to use this resource READ ME
• Student workbooks
• Supply list for all of the stations

For more great resources by Derry, click here!

Derry Prenkert

Derry Prenkert

Derry is a 25+ year youth ministry veteran providing coaching, consulting, care, and content to starting, stuck, and struggling ministry leaders (primarily youth pastors).