11 vs. The World

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2-Week series on the Disciples


A REMASTERED version of a hit series by Josh Griffin.

Week 1 - What Was Your Name Again?
Who were the 12 disciples? We'll go through each of them by name and look at how God used a motley crew of ordinary people to do something extraordinary. How God is calling each of us to be the light of the world.

Week 2 - Against All Odds
How was it possible that 11 people could change the world? The message of Christ spread to the corners of the known world in an extremely short amount of time - find out how persecution unlocked the passion of the disciples to spread the message of Christ. Find out your place in God's story as a modern-day disciple and be challenged to continue this epic calling.

BONUS: Now includes small group discussion guides, student devotionals & more! Also some thoughts/direction on an optional Week 3 - Go Light Your World
- or check out this candlelight service as a strong ending of the series!

Josh Griffin