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4-week curriculum teaching our kids discernment with technology


Parenting isn't easy!
Although, wouldn't our own parents have said the same thing when they were raising us? Remember those good ol' days, when phones were just phones and attached to a wall with a cord? Now phones are mini computers, Internet ready, and loaded with possibilities... good and bad.
In a world where over three quarters of young people have a smartphone in their pocket, parents often feel overwhelmed by the inherent difficulties and relentless drama intrinsically connected to teens and their technology!
So how can parents be proactive about opening the doors of communication in their homes, and equipping their kids how to make good decisions with technology?
This four-week curriculum is loaded with helpful tips and provides simple steps parents can take to teach their kids discernment with that device they love so much. In this curriculum you'll find: Fun discussion jumpstarters to kick off each session A word-for-word teaching script for each lesson Small group questions to help parents unpack what they have learned
It's excellent material and so easy to use. Either you teach it... or, ask a parent (with some experience in this area-both teaching and parenting) to teach it. Jonathon McKee has done all the hard work for you! Now, all you have to do is gather a group of parents and help them win with their kids. They're waiting for you to help them!
Jonathan McKee is the author of 20 books and founder of Thesource4parents.com. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide. Find Jonathan's other popular parenting and youth ministry resources in the DYM Store clicking here.


Jonathan McKee